Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Next Paper

I am thinking about writing my paper on two of the Flannery O'Connor stories and their religious symbols.

Bonus: Blogs

I like using the blogs. I think it is good and effective way to turn in our assignments. It takes less time to type our homework out instead of writing it. Also It helps not to use paper, and waste money on buying it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

#4 Outline

Thesis- Mrytle, Gatsby, and Daisy display vamparistic characteristics thourghout the book "The Great Gatsby".

a. She gets Tom to get a dog for her. Pg 31
b. Cheats on her husband with Tom. Pg. 30

2. Gatsby
a. He has all the lights in his house on at 2 in the morning. pg 86
a. Buys his house to be right across the sound from Daisy. pg 83
b. He uses Nick to get Daisy. pg 83

3. Daisy
a. Lets Tom and Gatsby fight over her. pg 137
b. Marries Tom to be rich.pg 159

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

#3 Vampirism. First Body Paragraph

One most prominet exapmles of vampirism in the whole book, is shown through Mrytle. She lives in the valley of ashes with her husband Wilson, who is poor, but she also cheats on him with a man named Tom, who is from East Egg and is very wealthy. As Mrytle, Tom, and Nick are riding down the road one day, Myrtle sees a dog on the side of the road that she would like and convinces Tom to reach into his pocket, pull out the money and get it for her. It shows how Myrtle wanted a more luxirious lifestyle away from her husband no matter what the cost would be. She wanted someone who would spend every dime they had just on her. It shows how Mrytle longed to get away from the valley of ashes, but she ended up going nowhere.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

#2 Archetypes


p.83: Gatsby bought the house across the bay from Daisy to be close to her.
p.86: Gatsby had lights on till 2 in the morning.

p.35; Everything is revolving around her.
p.31: She buys the dog.

Not taking the blame for Myrtle's death.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

#1 Dust in Gatsby.

The dust in "The Great Gatsby" represents the dreams and aspirations of the people in the story.

1. It talks about the "Foul dust floated in the wake of his dreams...". Jay Gatsby is extremely wealthy and has almost everything you can imagine except for one thing, Daisy. She is his dream that he longs for, but no matter how hard he tries he will never have her.
2. Wilson is described as having an "Ashen dust" covering his suit. Ash represents destruction. It shows how his dreams are destroyed. He lives in the valley of ashes where his dreams are worthless.
3. Gatsby is telling stories about his past, and Nick does't believe him. The sawdust represents the lies that he is telling to try to cover what he really is.
4. The "shining dust" seems to represent the hopeful dreams of Daisy's youth.
5. The powder from Daisy falls to her daughter representing Daisy's desire for her daughter to be the same as her.
6. Mrytle's blood mixing with the dust represents how her dreams are dead and nothing can come from them.
7. The dust throughout Gatsby's house shows how his dreams are becoming stale and unobtainable.